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Georgia Rangers |
By His Excellency Sir James WRIGHT Baronet, Captain General, Governor and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's said Province, Chancellor and Vice Admiral of the same. |
Instructions to Edwd. BARNARD Esquire Captain of the Troop of Rangers to be raised to keep good order amongst, and for the protection of the Inhabitants in the new ceded Lands above Settlo River- WHEREAS I have thought it necessary for his Majestys service and the Welfare of this province to raise a Troop of Horse for the Services aforesaid and such other as I may from time to time see fit to direct, And which Troop is to consist of one Captain, Three Lieutenants, a Quarter Master, a Surgeon, three Sergeants, One Drummer and sixty five private Men. You will therefore as soon as conveniently may be, inlist or cause to be inlisted the said three sergeants, One Drummer and sixty five private Men, Which persons are to be all Healthy strong able Bodied Men fit for actual Duty and service, and they are to have and be allowed the following Pay Viz- the Sergeants Three Pounds P Month, the Drummer Two Pounds five shillings P Month and the private Men two pounds P Month without any Deduction Whatever, And Each Man is to be found and provided with powder & bulletts occasionally. And for which Pay they are to Victual themselves, and also to provide and furnish themselves with good Cloaths Consisting of a Blue Coat faced with Red and a Red Jacket and Blue Cloth Boots on spatterdashes made to fit the Leg edged with Red and Gartered with a Black strap and Buckle to wear occasionally and Breeches either Blue Cloth or Buckskin also a good Fussee, a Putteau, a Black Leather shot Pouch and Belt of the same Edged with Red also a good Powder horn. You will also take care that the said Men are duely and Regularly inlisted in the same Manner as his Majesty's Regular Troops are, and that the Mutiny Act and Articles of War are fully explained to them in the presence of a Majestrate, and that an Attestation of the same be entered in a Book to be kept for that purpose and signed by the Majestrate, and also by the person inlisting, and that the Term for which each Soldier or Person Inlists shall not exceed three Years. And You are to look out for the most Convenient Spot or situation for Building a Fort and Barracks, and report the same to me, that orders may be given accordingly and which is to be deemed the Head Qrs. And as sobriety, Cleanliness and good order Contribute greatly to Health You are to take care that the Men keep themselves sober and clean, and behave orderly and discreetly, and to suffer no swearing or Drunkeness amongst them, and to see that they are always provided with a good horse and Arms and Accoutrements proper and fit for actual service. And you will Divide the said Troop into three Divisions, and take care that one Division with an Officer and One sergeant are always out upon Duty, that is to Range or Patrole about the Country, to prevent any Quarrels or squabbles between the White People and any scattering or straggling Parties of Indians, who may come into the said Lands, And to be very careful to prevent the White People from Stealing the Indians Horses, and the Indians from stealing the White Peoples Horses, or killing their Cattle &c. And Particularly to Patrole near the Line from the Head of Ogeechee River upwards along the Waters of the Oconee River, and to prevent any of the White People from going beyond the Line, or Hunting or Tresspassing on the Land of the Indians, on any account or Pretence Whatever, And if any Indians come over the Line into the Settlements you are to take care that they are civilly treated, and that no force or Violence be offered to them (unless they first use Violence against, and attack you or the White People) at the same time you are to endeavour to get them to Edunn and go out of the settlements as soon as possible, And to advise, perswade and prevail on them so to do by any arguments or Means you may think will best Answer the Purpose. And you are to take great care to see what people are settled on any Part of the said Lands, without proper Authority for so doing, and to compel them to remove off, by enforcing the Vagrant Law, to the Utmost of its Extent against them, unless they remove quietly off the said Lands, But if you should find any familys there who you may have good and indisputeable Reasons to think are orderly well disposed People, And who will really make Industrious settlers and Inhabitants, in such case if you are clear in the matter you may suffer them to continue, provided they forthwith apply in the regular Manner to Purchase Land and take out Grants for the same. And You shall take especial care, that no Person whatever Trade or Barter with any Indians, within the Line or settlements, or in the Woods without; And if you shall discover any such that you forthwith proceed against them agreeable to the Act of Assembly in that case made and provided. And you will apprehend all Horse Thieves, Vagrants and other Disorderly persons, what You may at any time Discover or meet with, and Deal with them according to Law. And you will in general observe, and do all such other matters and things whatever, as you Judge may tend to promote and keep good order in that Part of the Province, in every respect, according to the true intent and meaning of Raising the said Troops. And you will once in every Month or oftner if occasion requires, make a Report to me, and inform me of all material Circumstances, and follow all such other orders as I shall from time to time Give. Jas. WRIGHT 1773
Great Britain, Public Record Office, Audit Office, Class 13, Volume 37, pages 448-449. Click here for ---> Regimental History Main Page
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